Ltd. 102 copies. Get it from No Name distro/label.
10/05 – Oslo (NOR), Blitz
11/05 – Göteborg (SWE), Truckstop Alaska
12/05 – Köpenhamn (DNK), Dödsmaskinen
13/05 – Hannover (DEU), Stumpf
14/05 – Den Haag (NLD), Vereniging de vinger
15/05 – Paris (FRA), La Comedia
16/05 – Milano (ITA), Foa Boccaccio
17/05 – Ljubljana (SVN), Klub Gromka
18/05 – Wien (AUT), Venster99
19/05 – Prag (CZE), Punx Picknic Festival
20/05 – Potsdam (DEU), Fliese
21/05 – Malmö (SWE), Plan B
For more info click HERE!
Earth Hour is celebrating its 10th anniversary at the same time as Entombed’s masterpiece “To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth“ celebrates 20 years since the release. A good purpose and a great album.
Anyway, Lights out everybody! Tonight 8.30pm – 9.30pm (20:30-21:30).
Live at Have A Good Laugh fest 2016, flexi = Coming soon!
The New Wave Of The Grave New Beat, volume two – V/a, CD = 40sek
Punkdemonium Hell, 7″ = 40sek (Back in stock)
Cover Of The Month, 12″ = 160sek
Satyagraha (EUR, reg – Die cut cover), 12″ = SOLD OUT!
Satyagraha (S.L. reissue, reg/black), 12″ = 90sek
Satyagraha (S.L. reissue, ltd/clear), 12″ = 120sek
Satyagraha (Southern Lord release), CD = 50sek
Absolut/Paranoid (reissue, black vinyl) – Split, 12″ = 100sek
Punkdemonium Hell/Destroy Future Less System – Split, Cassette = 45sek
Satyagraha (WHMH), Cassette = 45sek
* Heavy Mental Fuck-Up, T-shirt – S, M, L = 100sek
* Its Grim Up North (Split tour shirt w/ Thisclose), T-shirt – L = 80sek
* Satyagraha (w/ back print), Baseball Longsleeve – M = SOLD OUT!
* Cover Of The Month, front cover (4-color print), T-shirt – M = 100sek
* Satyagraha, T-shirt – L = 80sek
* Ear Bleeding Chainsaw Massacre (US tour, w/ backprint), T-shirt – L, XL = 60sek
* Heavy Mental Chainsaw… (red arms), Baseball Longsleeve – M = 125sek
* Logo, CAP (b/w trucker) = 65sek
* Screen printed (black paper/silver ink) J.M.D US 2016, tour poster = 25sek
* 3xPin-Pack w/ sticker = 25sek
* Metal Pins, Logo = 55sek
* Logo, patch = 10sek
* Dis-Maiden tribute, patch = 10sek
Pictures of the rest of our merch can be found HERE!
New release out now! Live at ‘Have A Good Laugh fest 2016‘ (3 track live recording) flexi on At War With False Noise. Hand numbered and limited to 250copies. Beware, this is no Iron Maiden live production! Just take it for what it is. Live photo by Ted Liu.
We haven’t had time to go through everything we brought back home from the northern UK tour yet. But there should be a few flexis left for sale, otherwise just get in touch directly with the label (click link above). We’ll update and post a complete list of all we have left in stock asap, hopefully tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Roddy, Nibs, James and Tommy a.k.a THISCLOSE, it has been a trve pleasure and great fun to share the van with you on the northern roads of the UK/Scotland. It has been four intensive, rumbling and noisy days. Cheers for loaned your equipment to us, and for everything else you gave and shared.
Shout out to Bryan who burned rubbers and provided us with good music (got any Saxon?). Hit him up if you ever tour UK and need a reliable and solid driver. Van with aircraft seats and flat tv screens included. Crash the Pose delivered quality shirts as usual.
We would also like to thank all the diehards who came to our shows, organizers, venues and bands we’ve played with. It feels like we’ve always had a really good relationship and special bond with England, which only grown with time. It means a lot and we are truly grateful for your support. We will most definitely return again soon.
Last but not least, big up to Andy/Viral Age for backing us up (again) on stage in Liverpool. Its grim up north, that we know for sure after this tour. Owww!
We have the pleasure and honor to announce that we will join forces with the Swedish label The Sign Records. We will release a new 7” ’Praise No Deity’ this spring. Pre-order will be available in a few weeks time. Later this year we will enter Communichaos Media Clay Station to record our second album.
As if that weren’t enough we can also tell you that we are back to the crime scene in that Konton Crasher will release the US versions. Beyond fucking stoked!
For exactly three years ago to the day we created our YouTube account, uploaded and posted our very first video. We had just recorded “Destroy Future Less System” (Konton Crasher) and was high on life. Time flies. Here we are now, in the creation of a new video for our upcoming three track 7 ” and really excited about what the future holds.