2018 has been a heavy mental roller coaster from hell with its up and downs. A demanding and strenuous year, but we rise above. We managed to release our second album (and a maxi), hung out and met our fourth member Motokaaos, participated in contexts we’ve never been before, recording new blunts for future projects and toured US midwest-east coast (although the whole band didn’t succeed in crossing the Atlantic). We’re planning a two-week European tour as we speak and we have more surprises and releases beneath the surface. Eternal thanks to all who are still with us towards 2019!
“偏執症者 (Paranoid)-Heavy Mental Fuck Up! LIMTIED EDITION out now!!! The final fuck off to 2018…limited to 100 copies on red vinyl. ABSOLUTELY NO HOLDS OR WHOLESALE..NO EXCEPTIONS… These are available via the Konton Crasher webstore exclusively. Regular editions will be available soon”.
We wont have any of these for sale, buy it from here: kontoncrasher.storenvy.com
New interview (and review) for BATTLE HELM.
“With equal doses Discharge, Anti Cimex and punk this blast through my speakers like the end of the world is near”
– Battle Helm, Anders Ekdahl (4/5)
New interview (and review) in Swedish for SKRUTT MAGAZINE.
“Man hör att de verkligen har påverkats av både Discharge och Slayer på samma gång av Black Sabbath och den typen av hårdrock. Lägg till detta deras japanska titlar så blir det riktigt coolt. De har ett riktigt bra driv i sin musik och ni som gillar de nyss nämnda grupperna kommer absolut inte att bli besvikna. Ett sound som tar mig tillbaka till 80-talet tycker jag och det är menat som en komplimang och ett av Sveriges intressantaste band i denna genre på länge!”
– Skrutt Magazine, Peter Thorsson (8)
Our second album “HEAVY MENTAL FUCK-UP!” on The Sign Records (Europe) and Konton Crasher (US), scheduled for release on September 28, is finally and officially out in Europe. US press coming soon, keep an eye out for it! It’s been a looong time coming and the process and the wait has been a hell. We sold the main part of our PND edition* on pre-orders, but we still have a handful of records left for those who are interested.
Recorded and mixed by Kenko/Communichaos. Mastered by Magnus Lindberg/Redmount Studio. Cover artwork by Nicky Rat. Photos by Pontus Lindroth. Additional recording and layout by Jocke D-takt. Guest appearance by Joel Militia. Japanese translations by Motokaaos Tsukuda. Graphic adjustment and print preparation by Andy Dahlström. Poster design by Burning Leather.
All pre-paid pre orders were sent today. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
* Limited to 100 copies. Comes w/ obi strip, full color poster, unique b/w patch and photo. Can only be purchased from us.
“Exasperated, frustrated and tanked, they perfectly suit the confrontational cacophony that makes up the musical side found here. A rip-roaring good time of a record.”
– The Mighty Decibel, Chris Tighe (7.5)
“PARANOID låter fortfarande som om åttiotalet aldrig hade tagit slut. Det är skitigt, smutsigt och kraftigt inspirerat av VENOM (och då menar jag självklart de stilbildande första åren med Cronos).”
– Close-Up Magazine, Dante Thomsen (6)
It’s always a pleasure to both visit and play at Club Deströyer events, Nordfest was no exception. Cheers to the front row bangers and everyone else who came! This was our last gig for this year, but we’ll be back in 2019 with more madness.
We’re playing on the annual NORDFEST feast in Sundsvall tonight. Early gig, dont be late!
19.00 – Doors
19.15 – PARANOID (Scen Sensus)
20.00 – THE CROWN (Scen Deströyer)
20.55 – LIK (Scen Sensus)
21.50 – NAGLFAR (Scen Deströyer)
23.00 – ULTRA SILVAM (Scen Sensus)
23.50 – DARK FUNERAL (Scen Deströyer)
Tickets: billetto.se
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“Varför spara på krutet tänkte vi när vi satte spelschemat för festivalen och inleder med hardcore-punkarna i 偏執症者 Paranoid! ”Sylen”, även känd som mikrofonsvingare i Totalt Jävla Mörker, och hans två bandmedlemmar kommer sätta ribban högt för resten av banden.
Nyligen hemkomna från en USA-turné och med nya släppet “Heavy Mental Fuck-Up!” i ryggen kommer vi bjudas på D-takt-raseri med Venom-inspirerad metal! Spänn fast nitbältet och sätt ett extra stygn på patchen, detta kommer bli en fartfylld åktur”.
– Club Deströyer