Destroy Future Less System T-shirt design (front+back) from 2014 webshop restock. Along with new backpatches and metal pins for those who want to pimp the vest or battle jacket for the summer.
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Destroy Future Less System T-shirt design (front+back) from 2014 webshop restock. Along with new backpatches and metal pins for those who want to pimp the vest or battle jacket for the summer.
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New interview posted by Neckbreaker (in German). “Bekannter zu sein ist ziemlich irrelevant für mich, solange sich jemand darum kümmert und schätzt, was wir tun, fühlt es sich sinnvoll an. Ich bin jedoch sehr dankbar dafür, wie sehr es gewachsen ist, seit wir angefangen haben, und zu sehen, dass immer mehr Menschen unsere Musik entdecken, ist sehr ermutigend”.
Also a new review of “Kill the Light” on the same site. 8,5/10!
Hyped to announce that we’re playing Off Road Festival! Finland (and UK) have always felt like our second home. Therefore it feels great to come over again. Its our first time in Jyväskylä/Lutakko as well. See you there! Tickets: Lippu
“偏執症者 (Paranoid) on frösöniläinen hardcore punk-trio, jonka äänivallissa kuuluu kaikuja niin fennoskandian kuin japaninkin hardcorepunkin perinteistä, sekä myös 80-lukuisesta heavy metallista. Monella tapaa äärimmäinen bändi vierailee Jyväskylässä ja Lutakossa nyt ensimmäistä kertaa 10-vuotisbileidensä aattona. Parinkymmenen julkaistun äänitteen välille mahtuu tyylillisesti erilaista materiaalia, mutta yksi elementti pysyy soundin ytimessä: saatanallinen melu!”
The second press of the ‘Tatari‘ 7″ goes on sale May 25th. 500 copies on black vinyl. Labels and distros get in touch for w/s.
To order:
Festival booking confirmation! Vi gör en unik och exklusiv spelning på Storsjöyran i slutet av Juli. Det kommer bli vårt 100:e gig (jubileumsspelning) sedan vi startade för 10 år sedan. Ni kommer väl och vevar nacke och kängnäve era djävla långhåtta svin?!
偏執症者 (Paranoid) 2022. From left to right: Emil, Joakim and Henrik. Photo: Isak Uitto, May 8, 2022.
We just found out that the interview we did with RUIDOCULTO last year is posted on their website. Enjoy, if you can read/speak Spanish…or using google translate.
We’re Featured on – Hardcore, metal & everything in between. Photo by Peter Rosvik/ishootrawpunk. Cheers to Carlos Ramirez!
“…we live in a generally small isolated town in the northern parts of Sweden surrounded by nothing but forests, lakes and mountains. But that’s mainly what we love about living here.”
Die Hards! Let us introduce our latest creation and release; “KILL THE LIGHT“, a 2-track digital single. Out now and available via most streaming services and digital platforms as of today Wed. March 30th, 2022. Paranoid Northern Discs (PND18-DIGI).
Recorded in Studio Mangel, Frösön, February 2022. Produced and engineered by Jocke D-takt. Mixed by Daniel Mikaelsson and mastered by Roger Bergsten at Nevo Studios. Guest vocals on “Dead Barren Wastes” by Nox. Cover artwork by Joe BB. Eternal gratitude to all involved!
The plan is to release a digital single series this year, mainly in connection with the celebration of our 10th anniversary but also as a counter-reaction due to the insane demand in vinyl and a minimum of 8-10 months turnaround time, as we speak. There are many benefits to releasing and distributing your music digitally, which we gained experience with the release of our forth album “Cursed”. We like the aspect of recording, releasing and moving on to the next project within a month without having to elaborate and analyze the smallest detail during the process. It makes these songs and this project more inspiring, liberating and spontaneous. But also up to date. The digital world feels flat and impersonal, we share your opinion, and we certainly don’t close the doors to a possible vinyl release in the future.
Play loud!
Det känns mäktigt som satan att äntligen få vara tillbaka på en scen igen efter två och ett halvt år i dvala. Stort tack till alla som kom och vevade nacke och näve i både Falun och Stockholm. Förjävla gött att få återse er alla igen. Extra stort tack till Victor/Gruvpunx, Maniak, Sex Dwarf, Dism, Per-Robin/Kråkslott och Motell Lindholm. Vi ses i Göteborg på Fragile Mountain festivalen, om inte förr. Photo by Peter Rosvik (