Spending loud friday night! 10% off the entire Bandcamp store for 24 hours. Friday December 2, 2022, from midnight to midnight pacific time only.
Enter code “first10years” at checkout to redeem. Free tote bag with all orders over 500sek. Free sticker, postcard, pin or poster with every order! The Bandcamp link is in our bio. Kanpai!
Attention all skull manglers and destroyers! Sorry State Records just launched these two new and exclusive killer t-shirts. Only available from Sorry State’s website. 2 to 3-color print on white and black t-shirt. Available in all sizes from S and all the way up to 3XL.
“We launched a pre-order for 2 new Paranoid t-shirt designs at the same time as the 10th Anniversary vinyl reissues, and we are excited to tell you that all preorders containing these shirts have shipped! They look great (as you can see in the photo), and we still have a handful left of each design, so hit up the website here if you want one”
Check: www.sorrystaterecords.com for more information. Snag a tape and some vinyls while you’re at it.
Teaming up with G.A.Z.E., Virhe and N.E.O. for three joint shows in Finland at the end of November. Brought to you in conspiracy with the international (noise) punk community. More info and events to follow. Tour poster by Jallu.
24/11 Helsinki / Oranssi
25/11 Tampere / Vastavirta
26/11 Turku / Turun Pyöräpaja
“Paholainen saapuu Etelä-Suomeen marraskuun lopussa, neljään bändiin ruumiillistuneena. Jävla mycket av melusaaste. Saatana aaargh!
Paranoid on lähettänyt kihiseviä ääniaaltojaan pienestä keski-ruotsalaisesta Frösönin kylästä jo kymmenen vuoden ajan. Hardcorepunk-trion viides visiitti suomeen tulee tarjoilemaan kattavan läpileikkauksen 10-vuotiselta taipaleelta tuskan ja kurjuuden mielenmaisemissa!”
偏執症者 (Paranoid) – The First Ten Years Series:
* Destroy Future Less System, 7″ (1000 copies) *Coming soon*
* Satyagraha, 12″ (750 copies)
* Heavy Mental Fuck-Up!, 12″ (300 copies)
* Out Raising Hell, 12″ (400 copies)
* Cursed, 12″ (950 copies)
* The Singles Collection, 12″ (100 copies)
* Box set, including all 12″ and exclusive extras (250 copies)
Black vinyl only, no colored/limited editions. All releases come with obi-strip (except for the vinyls in the box) and free download codes. Buy directly from our SHOP or D-takt & Råpunk Records. Exclusive US distribution by Sorry State Records. We advise and strongly recommend people living in the US, and the surrounding area, to order directly from Sorry State’s website. Shipping worldwide.
Me(n)tal maniacs! The third 2-track single “POSSESSED” in the digital series is OUT NOW. Available via streaming services and digital platforms as of today September 28, 2022. Paranoid Northern Discs (PND20-DIGI).
Recorded in Studio Mangel, Frösön, August-September 2022. Produced and engineered by Jocke D-takt. Mixed and mastered by Daniel Mikaelsson at Nevo Studios. Guest vocals on “Deserted Centuries” by Christina Blom (Agrimonia) and Erica Blom (Heavy Bleeding). Recorded by Sikas in Studio Friendman. Cover artwork by Joe BB. Super stoked by everyone’s quick and strong efforts, cheers!
Kiitos paljon Ville, Off Road Festival/Jyväskylä ja Kontula Bummer Boogaloo/Helsinki ja kaikille jotka tulitte viettämään hullua ja ikimuistoista viikonloppua. Kiitos helvetistä, toivottavasti nähdään taas pian!
Many thanks and shout out to n’Anders Åström for his hard work and effort on second guitar at our shows this summer/autumn. Guldstjärna! Our gratitude knows no bounds. It has been a real pleasure and we hope our paths cross again in the near future.
Photo by Juho Liukkonen, Helsinki, September 17.
1000 copies
750 copies (+250 for the Box Set)
300 copies (+250 for the Box Set)
400 copies (+250 for the Box Set)
* CURSED, 12″
950 copies (+250 for the Box Set)
100 copies (+250 for the Box Set)
* THE FIRST TEN YEARS, Vinyl Box Set, 5×12″
250 copies
-Satyagraha, 12″
-Heavy Mental Fuck-Up!, 12″
-Out Raising Hell, 12″
-Cursed, 12″
-The Singles Collection 2014-2019, 12″
-Exclusive extras (postcard set, poster, inlay…)
Black vinyl only, this applies to all titles. No colors or limited editions available. All titles can be purchased separately.
Released by Paranoid Northern Discs and D-takt & Råpunk Records. Look for info on preorders soon!